
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Me-Made-Mittwoch #3!

Since weeks I say I'll re-organize my closet TOMORROW, which is why I just throw things in wildly. For the first time now, I actually couldn't find a skirt I was looking for. Which is why I ended up with a combination I wouldn't usually have tried. Somehow it works. Let's call it the refashioned menswear look. Or whatever.
For new English speaking visitors: Mittwoch means Wednesday. Every Wednesday, the participants wear self-made clothes. Here are the other outfits!
And here is Cat-und-Kascha who came up with this great idea.

The top is part of my 10 piece winter travel set, I called it a Shirt-T, because it is a long-sleeve T-Shirt with a refashioned mens shirt (collar and cuffs) blogged about here, and the skirt was originally a pencil skirt so tight at the hem that I couldn't board one of those old fashioned cable cars we still have here in Vienna. I used the small part of a tie as belt, and the wide part - well, you can see that yourself. :-)


  1. What a great idea! The tie extension looks funny! :.D

    Also love the shirt!

  2. Dein Rock ist superschön!Und die Idee ,ihn auf diese Weise passend zu machen ist echt unschlagbar!Darf man die Idee "klauen"?
    Danke für Deinen Kommentar bei mir - ich liebe Wien,und ich bin jedes Jahr zur Ballzeit dort,aber ich lebe in Norddeutschland.
    Liebe Grüsse Dodo

  3. Oh einfach wunderbar. Die Ideen für Rock und Shirt klau ich mir ganz frech.

  4. Was ist das denn für eine colle Idee! Der Rock ist superschön und passt dir ausgezeichnet. Schöne Sachen nähst du, gefällt mir sehr gut!

    Gruß Ute

  5. Die Kombi ist richtig cool, da kann ich mich nur anschliessen...
    Aber auch das Jeans Top, oh man...Ein Traum!

  6. Danke euch allen! Ja natürlich, klaut ruhig darauf los, das ehrt mich doch! Ich habe auch mal einen Rock NUR aus Krawatten genäht, vielleicht sollte ich den auch mal herzeigen... nur leider ist er technisch schlecht genäht, ein Projekt vor langer Zeit...

  7. The tie in the skirt - love it! Creativity!

  8. Hi Katja - I loved your 30s pieces that you posted last year on Burdastyle, so I'm glad to follow your blog now!

    I'm not sure if you'd like to participate in this, but I was given the Leibster blog award and wanted to pass it on. It's for blogs with fewer than 300 followers, in order to recognize the ones you like and hopefully encourage a few more followers! If you'd like to pass it on, you can link back to my blog and get the button there. If not, I totally understand not wanting to get in a pyramid scheme like this ;)
