
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Me-Made-Mittwoch #2!

Here it is again, Me-Made-Mittwoch! Mittwoch is German for Wednesday, and I love this idea. While it really is easier than doing a whole month at a time (as in Me-Made-May, Self-Stitched-September, in case you don't know what I'm talking about...), it does give me a good opportunity to incorporate my own stuff into my daily wardrobe. Eventually, I want this to be the case every single day of the year...
I made this blouse, it's a Burda pattern you can find out more about in my BurdaStyle studio. The blazer is from my 1953 travel set, blogged about HERE, and in my BurdaStyle studio HERE.
There is also the tiniest little me-made-detail on my shoe, which you can only see if I sit down. One of the buttons fell off and where are you going to find that exact one? Well, I put on a tiny crochet flower I once made with the tiniest crochet hook I own...
For styling enthusiasts - I am a real beginner myself... - the colour of your socks make a much bigger difference on your outfit than you might think! :-)


  1. I think it's a great idea to post your self made garments on your blog. I'm participating in the Me-Made-March, and have daily posts on my (partially or completely) self made outfits, but it's sometimes exhausting. I might steal your idea in the future and post about self made clothes and styling once a week.
    Lovely outfit!
    Oh, and thanks for the fashion illustration tutorials, I love reading them! Keep up the great work!

  2. Thank you so much AnaJan - you know I'm a big fan of yours! The idea wasn't mine, actually. It's from Cat und Kascha - you find the blog by klicking on "Me-Made-Mittwoch" at the beginning of the post, or by klicking into the Image on the right side of the blog.

  3. WOW! The colourful part on your blouse looks special. And the flower on your shoes. I like it!

  4. i love the me made wednesday idea... it's daunting to do every day in march! especially when some days i'm in me-made-pajamas.

    you are getting so much use out of that fabulous travel set! i love the whole shebang... and those SHOES.
